Alcohol Primary Producer
Wineries or manufacturers who grow the ingredients they use. Vendors must provide the following documents:
Proof of Producer-only status (ex. Land Title Certificate or Lease Agreement)
Serving it Right Certificate
Vendor Insurance
Farmers Market Authorization (can be obtained after approval).
For the Jury Process:
You must provide a sample of a few of your beverages. After applying, you will receive an email with a drop-off location, date, and time.
Please provide clear labeling on your product, including your business name, the ingredients used (and where they were sourced if possible/relevant), if it needs to be stored in the fridge, freezer and any reheating/cooking instructions if applicable.
Without a sample your application will not progress and will be closed as incomplete. Samples do not have to be full bottles/cans, but must be enough for all three judges to be able to try them. We also do not need one of every product, we are looking for 2-3 items that you are known for.